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星期五晚交友🎉🍹FRI NITE COCKTAIL 🍸 MIXING 🍹PARTY (Free Flow 任飲)



Kitchen Dynamic

Discover all the secrets to our expertly handcrafted cocktails and learn about the premium spirits and fresh ingredients we use to make them. But most importantly, let’s have a proper party. It starts as soon as you walk in the door. Then, get ready to learn all the tricks of the trade, from muddlin

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星期五晚交友🎉🍹FRI NITE COCKTAIL 🍸 MIXING 🍹PARTY (Free Flow 任飲)
星期五晚交友🎉🍹FRI NITE COCKTAIL 🍸 MIXING 🍹PARTY (Free Flow 任飲)


2021年5月21日 20:00 – GMT+8 23:00

Kitchen Dynamic, Castle Peak Rd, Lai Chi Kok, Hong Kong


星期五晚交友🎊 Friday Nite Cocktail 🍸Mixing 🍹PARTY (Free Flow 全晚任飲) 又係星期五啦..... 咁有乜野搞作呢? 不如試吓啲新野吖? 一班人聚在一起Mix 雞尾酒 (任飲), 識吓新朋友, 😆😆😆😆😆, 任玩任飲🍹🍸🥃, 仲有即整雞翼🍗 鮮炸薯條🍟送上! 夠唔夠新意呀? 我們為你準備咗3 - 4 款雞尾酒教授.. It's Fri nite again 😱😱😱 What would you be doing ? Why don't we try something new? How about a Cocktail Mixing ? 🍸🍹🥃 A bunch of people gather together to mix cocktails and having fun.... freshly made Chicken Wings 🍗and French Fries🍟 will be served during the event 😋 Cocktail Mixing: Discover all the secrets to our expertly handcrafted cocktails and learn about the premium spirits and fresh ingredients we use to make them. But most importantly, let’s have a proper party. It starts as soon as you walk in the door. Then, get ready to learn all the tricks of the trade, from muddling and mixing to shaking and stirring as you get behind the bar to make a cocktail. ***************************************************************** NO MORE WAITING,EVERYONE WILL HAVE THEIR OWN "SHAKER" 😆😆 不需要等候, 每人有一個自己的"搖杯" 可以一齊玩, 一起 SHAKE!!! 🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪 🎉🎈🎊🎉🎈🎊🎉🎈🎊🎉🎈🎊🎉🎈🎉 Cocktail Mixing Drinks - 3 to 4 different kinds of cocktails: 調教三至四款雞尾酒 Snacks: 小食 1. CHICKEN WINGS🍗 2. FRENCH FRIES 🍟 美味雞翼+ 熱辣辣薯條 " Let's Shake it Up!!! "🛢 🌪💦🌪💦 🍸🍷🍸🍷🍸🍷🍸 🍷🍸🍷🍸 🍷🍸🍷 🍸🍷🍸🍷🍸🍷🍸 🍷🍸🍷🍸🍷🍸🍷 ----------------------------------------------------------- Time: 8:00pm - 11:00pm --------------------------------------------------------- Party Entrance fee: 正價/Normal Price: Payment on or before 13 May 2021: HKD280 each Payment on 14 May 2021 to 20 May 2021: HKD320 Walk-in : HKD360 each For 正價/ Normal Price: 二人/多人同行/ Comes in a group of Two or more: 每人減HKD10/ Less HKD10 each Venue: 荔枝角私房大廚房 (2400呎) Lai Chi Kok Private Kitchen (5 mins from MTR Station) (我們已經搬到一個很大的廚房, 所以每個人都會一起 Mix, 不會只是看個 Instructor 示範) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 報名方法: Method of Application: 1. RSVP "YES" 2A. PAYE / FPS (852) 6162-3494 2B. 入數後, 請Whatsapp 收據到電話 6162-3494 確認 Pls Whatsapp your Bank Slip for payment confirmation to 6162-3494. Please deposit below to the following account for confirming your enrollment. 請入數到以下户口: HSBC: 521-005504-838 WIGLT*ADIG BOC: 012-898-2-015149-7 Leung Hxx Wxx Kevin Your seats will be reserved and confirmed once the deposit has been made. Please send bank slip by Whatapps to 6162-3494 after payment is transferred. 因名額有限, 所有留位, 會以收到銀行收據為準🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 【新型冠狀病毒防疫措施】 26/04/2021 由於疫情嚴峻,Kitchen Dynamic 絕不鬆懈💪🏻 繼續維持以下防疫措施👇🏻 ☑️ 每次活動前用具均徹底消毒,有效消滅高達99.9%細菌及病毒 ☑️ 所有師生必須佩戴口罩,進入埸地前必須量度體溫 ☑️ 上堂前必須填寫健康申報表或掃描[安心出行] ☑️ 須用消毒噴霧作全身消毒 ☑️ 場地入口加設消毒地氈 ☑️ 學員觀看導師示範菜式期間必須保持一定距離,而處理實習菜式時須獨自完成 ☑️ 工作檯之間設有防疫隔板,減低傳播風險 ☑️ 學校所有用具經高溫清洗消毒,亦會加強公共區域的清潔及消毒,課堂後更會徹底清潔課室及工作檯 ☑️ 提供消毒酒精及洗手液給學員時刻潔淨雙手,並會提醒大家勤洗手 ☑️ 更備有防護面罩及即棄手套給有需要的學員使用 ☑️ 所有堂上試食會改為外帶回家品嚐 如果學員感到不適 / 出現流感徵狀或於過往 14 日內曾到訪出現疫情的地區,會建議大家暫停參與課程。多謝各學員的合作!齊心抗疫!安心上堂!


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